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Posted 09/09/2024 in Online Webinars

WTS International: Practicing Inclusive Language Webinar

Start Date
Start Time
2:00 PM
End Date
End Time
3:30 PM
WTS International: Practicing Inclusive Language Webinar

Event Details

Date and Time

Tuesday, October 1st · 2 pm - 3:30 pm EST




Many words or phrases that used to be very commonplace are now recognized as exclusionary and have been replaced with more inclusive language. Our words matter—what we choose to say and not say signals to people what we value, and focusing on inclusive language can help make people who have been historically marginalized feel more included. Language is one of the biggest signals of culture, so it’s critical that inclusive organizations practice using inclusive language.

Together, we will learn:- Why language matters - The words we choose signal our intentions as allies- Inclusive language examples - Allyship is about progress over perfection- How to use inclusive language - Allyship is a journey, and you do not have to do it alone

WTS International's Practice Inclusive Language Webinar Event Image

Registration: https://www.wtsinternational.org/events/practice-inclusive-language

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