Grant Details
What is Wish Local?
Wish Local offers an array of tailor-made initiatives for small businesses to collaborate with Wish. From picking and choosing the programs to participate in, stores can opt to sell their products on the platform, act as the neighborhood Wish pickup point, source wholesale items, and much more. Wish is a renowned mobile shopping app connecting millions of shoppers globally. By partnering with Wish, businesses can tap into its vast consumer base and take their venture to new heights.
Why Was This Grant Created?
As a prominent e-commerce enterprise, At Wish, we feel we have a duty to assist and empower others. The small businesses owned by Black entrepreneurs have been struggling for far too long due to deep-seated racism. However, these businesses are vital components of the American economic landscape. That is why we have established a $2 million fund to support our approximately 4,000 Wish Local small business affiliates by offering them financial aid. The chosen beneficiaries will receive sums ranging from $500 to $2,000. This initiative is exclusively aimed at Black-owned establishments to promote equity and diversity in American commerce.
How Much Is Being Awarded?
The award amount ranges between $500 - $2000
What Are The Requirements?
- You have a Black-owned business
- You are 18+ years of age
- Your store has 20 or fewer employees
- Your store is a brick-and-mortar shop in the United States
- Your store earns an average annual revenue under $1M
- If selected for the program, you must join Wish Local
How Do I Apply?
You can learn more and apply by visiting: